
The strength of the church is not always in the size of the church but oftentimes found in the Teamwork and Faithfulness of members within the church. With our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST, we find our Strength. Faith to those who believe, should be so powerful that it appears ignorant and foolish to the nonbeliever. It could possibly even cause a believer to scratch their head. We must be a church of faith.

As Christian women, dating can come with its own set of challenges. Awake and Dating enlightens women on the importance of setting boundaries, questions to ask while dating, how to carry oneself, the do’s and don’ts of dating, and how to listen to God while dating. The author encourages all women to pay attention to the signs and listen to God’s voice, even when it concerns the affairs of the heart. Through the author’s own personal story of dating and heartbreak, she shares tips on how to protect your heart and to stay awake while dating.

Are you ready? Are you excited? The father made a promise that he is going to pour out his spirit on all flesh! In other words, a supernatural invasion is about to happen! It was prophesied by the prophet Joel and repeated again in the book of Acts about this experience in the last days.

ISBN: 978-1955186100

“The Changing of the Gods” describes one woman's life as it clung to the blind idolization of sin. From drug abuse, alcoholism, and victimization of sexual abuse, Doretha finds a way to make peace with her past through the aid of the guiding light of Christ, the true God. This book allows readers to acknowledge and rise from their places of obscurity to finally find the areas of their life that can be transformed by the light of Jesus Christ’s salvation.

Have you been sabotaged? Are you the victim of a generational curse? Have you ever wondered, “Why am I here? Why do cycles repeat themselves in my life?” There is a hidden assassination attempt on your life by the enemy. However, God is a concerned God who wants to bring us into the full development and knowledge of who we are. The experiences we have in life shape us for better or worse. God wants us to stand steadfast in the liberty he has given us and root our identities in Him. It’s time to move forward and break the cycle.

J.Kenkade Publishing-Oh No My Hair!

8-year-old Georgia has leukemia. Her life hasn’t always been easy. The one thing she has been waiting for ever since she got diagnosed was to go to Camp Bondad, the most popular-known camp in town; a place where she could fit in with the “normal” kids and not be known as the girl with cancer.


Georgia gets the green light to go to camp, she is so excited she forgets the most important thing when she is packing…her wig. As Georgia takes on the challenges of not having her hair, she overcomes many obstacles. She learns what true beauty is about, especially with the help of camp counselor Cami.

Do you find yourself asking the question, “Is there more to life than the seemingly never-ending struggle of survival?” This book answers that question with a resounding, “YES!” Jesus died to give us MORE. Jerry Walker has written this manual for Christian living that gives in-depth teaching on scripture and how to apply it to your life. Full of tools for living a life of freedom in Christ, this book will be a blessing to all who read it. Your time is now, it truly is your season!

As the mother of two daughters, Debra became extremely concerned about her ovarian cancer diagnosis, nutrition, and weight loss. Research shows that people do not get second opinions about their health although health professionals do not see second opinions as a breach of trust from people. This book is a personal guide on how to handle any illness that a man or woman may face in life. This personal cancer story will make you laugh, cry, but overall, will empower you by faith. Join Debra in her journey of survival in "Bound by Faith".

J.Kenkade Publishing-Infidelity

You will never know who you are truly dating until you get to know all of their deepest and darkest secrets. Everybody has hidden agendas and ulterior motives, but the question is, once you discover them, will you assume that they are in over their heads and need help or will it all just be too much to deal with? In this book, women deal with a variety of twists and turns in their lives. It is no longer a serial murderer who has the entire city shaken up and frightened. It's another kind of devilish felon that commits a heinous crime. Your challenge is to see if you can detect or solve the mysteries. Just don't lose your mind...

This divinely inspired coloring book is for adults of all ages. Packed full of daily devotionals for the artistic reader, it is the hope that your youthful desires to color or to paint using a wide variety of colors, will be rekindled. You are encouraged to express yourself in writing, respond to God's Word, color the pages, and even add sketches of your own design. The encouraging scriptures and reflective text for meditation will allow you to channel your inner child while coloring your thoughts the spiritual way!

J.Kenkade Publishing -Starlight Star Bright

A children’s story about the stars and the God who made them all. A great bedtime story to lull your little one into peaceful sleep.

Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to have the keen eye-sight, speed and agility of a Jaguar? Being able to see horrible and unlawful events take place, but in a mere instance have the capability of making sure that these events stopped in the eye of danger? If so, Max Rockafellor has an epic tale of how he became Jag-Man, Inquisitor of the Night!

Family Law Attorney, Jacqueline Epstein uses her experience as a single mother in an amicable co-parenting setting and as a professional mediator and family law attorney to assist co-parents who are struggling to keep peace with one another. Ms. Epstein discusses the pitfalls of co-parenting and gives real life experiences and advice for moving past the most difficult subjects related to co-parenting including new partners, money issues, and differing parenting styles. Acknowledging that co-parenting is often frustrating and difficult, Ms. Epstein offers suggestions and resources for the most common disputes she observes in her practice and in her personal life with her co-parent and frenemy.

“Prayer: My Incense to God” is a composition of prayers created by the author over the years for various topics. The purpose of this prayer manual is to set a foundation of prayer and intercession according to the Word of God, to establish prayer in every home, city, state, and nation, and to pray the will of God in order to see His kingdom come on Earth as it is in Heaven (Matthew 6:10).

There's such a hunger for the things of the spirit and the supernatural. Many have decided to tap into the dark side in order to understand more about the Supernatural and the things of the spirit. One of the reasons for this I believe, is because the church as a whole has lost the desire to see a move of God validated by his power with miracles, signs, and wonders. It's my desire and prayer that this information will activate you in ways you never dreamed as you apply it to your spiritual life.

ISBN: 978-1955186353

dearest heart,

we’ve been through hell and back
we have the burns and bruises to prove it
plus the traumas and trust issues to match it
not to mention the scars
we've managed to bury beneath the surface
they threw dirt on us
and we took it laying down
as if gold becomes gravel
when it touches the ground
we made a nest of sticks and stones
so it only makes sense to strike a fire
but they've taught us to fear the smoke
so we fueled the physical
and neglected faith
we blamed god for abandoning us
when truth is we ran away
and turned our backs on our refinement
that was just amidst the blaze
we were afraid to burn
because we could not picture life after
we skipped into the darkness
to avoid the light calling us all along
we mastered the skill of silence
and muted the song that beats inside us
but our sparks won't sit,
stand still, or settle
until they've answered to the echo
that speaks to us in our sleep
whispers to us in our daydreams
yells to us in our nightmares
and flares up like wild fire in our souls

Each day, we are faced with challenges that we must conquer and overcome. The contents of this book will help you maintain, stay afloat, and solve some of your troubles. There is a skill, a strategy, and an art to living a prosperous and peaceful life

We all have wondered why bad things happen to us or someone we love. Often times, we never receive the answer to the questions that are asked. Therefore, the content of this book enlightens you on many topics and situations. It will expose the unknown. Once you begin to read this book of knowledge you will not be able to put it down. It is guaranteed to have you on the edge of your seat. It teaches how to prevent failures and mishaps. It will have you alert at all times and will reveal some of the hidden things of God. Discover insights on: Increasing your faith Prophecies The characteristics of thinking and ability of men and women Prayers Is religion acceptable or not? The symbolical meaning of numbers Relationships and much more

In this dystopian novel, a group of teens with superhuman strength find out through a group of Hunters that they must either go on the run to survive or be forced to go to camps set aside for “Abnormals.” They decide to go on the run and train in their newly found powers. They gain friends and lose friends along the way, but they fight well together.

Set in the Old South after the Civil War – specifically on a tobacco plantation in Staunton, Virginia – this story revolves around three key groups of people. Plantation owners, plantation workers, and Native Americans play integral roles in this saga. They often intersect and prove necessary for each other to exist in their sociopolitical climate. The conflict in the story involves an ancient Indian folktale about a baby skull hidden on plantation property in a grandfather clock that is shrouded in superstition. This skull is said to have magical powers, and when it disappears, many strange events begin to unfold.

Black Eyes and a Pure Heart is a novel about the life of a young, underaged girl who must figure out how to live her life with a child at the age of 17. When the baby is born, her supportive spouse becomes an abusive predator. The black eyes represent the malicious nature of the domestic violence that plagued Vanessa while the pure heart represents her nativity and innocence in the face of the evil that so desperately tried to kill her. This short story reveals that the wrong path in life can gravely disfigure and blacken the eyes of those young girls who seek easy pleasure.

Life shouldn’t be happening to us; we should be happening to life. This is what living in excellence is all about: Using every talent, gift, capacity and revelation that God has equipped us with and reaching our fullest potential. In this 31-Day guide, you will discover how meditating and reflecting on the word of God can pull you into His divine plan for your life. Prepare to expand past mediocrity and live a life of excellence!

Have you been abused? You Love hard? Maybe you're an overcomer? Surely, you've been hurt before?! And you were left with a broken heart. How about...felt stuck in a mess? Or you may have experienced all of the above. If so, “My Broken Place” is a definite "must read" for you, your sister, your friend...Anybody! It shares the ups and downs of a young woman going through and breaking down over a period of time. Straight out of high school and having too much fun, she finds herself headed into motherhood along with many obstacles attached. There were held up dreams. Let's not forget the constant chaos without accountability. There was even a desire to change her situation, but the process was intense and heavy to figure out where to start…not to mention those thoughts! Take in this young woman's journey of being broken. At some point, the mind gets tired; and well..uh..enough is enough!

Leo, the lion, is very troubled. He has a rough home life. He struggles to focus on his schoolwork because he has so many worries that keep him from focusing. He meets another student in his class, Luna, the rabbit, who also has struggles. Together they try to find a way to get rid of their worries so they can focus and learn at school. Their teacher comes across a mysterious box on her desk one day and Leo and Luna knew just what to use it for. They asked for the box and told their teacher their idea. She thought it was a great idea and helped them create a lockbox to lock all their worries in while at school. Their idea worked great. They could now focus and learn.

ISBN: 978-1955186261

I’m a firm believer that it takes a village to raise one child. As a matter of fact, it’s necessary to have success in life because everyone in the village has a different point of view on life. I tend to look at the village as if the people are “training wheels” on a bicycle that eventually will have to be removed. It is obvious that some grown people for whatever reason never took off the training wheels (the village people) because they never left their point of origin, and, chances are, they’ll never truly experience what life has to offer them. A person with a lot of sense once said that not traveling the earth equals slavery. “Overstand” is a word that I will use from time to time in this book because to just understand something or someone in the world today ain’t enough. As a matter of fact, I really don’t think it was ever sufficient. I mean, look at the behavior of most people.

Walking in Unworthiness is a reflective masterpiece of uncovering the true plight of someone who walks in unworthiness. In this book, “The Journey of Uncovering”, recognizing and beginning to heal from walking in unworthiness is just the beginning. As you continue down the path with the author who truly walks the journey with you, you also begin to see all the ways unworthiness effects your life. This isn't self-help, do it yourself, or a ritual embarking book. This is simply a conversation between two friends in a relaxing environment, over your favorite cup of coffee, tea or maybe even a glass of wine. It is simply a girl who wants to tell you the story of how her life transformed. She just wants to share her struggles, pitfalls, and triumphs. There are some great moments, some unbelievable moments, and some hard moments. There were moments that seemed unbearable, unlivable, and downright distressing, but looking back I am thoroughly excited I overcame each one of those moments to be able to share my journey with you. This journey begins with me as a young girl who loved life and just wanted to make everyone smile and ends with me as a grown woman who loves life and just wants to make everyone smile. It is amazing how our journey is sometimes not meant to progress us, change us, or to elevate us but our journey is merely meant to bring us back home so we can embrace who we really are and be proud of ourselves just as God made us. I hope your coffee stays hot or your wine chilled and you enjoy our talk…It has already blessed me just to have you here and be able to share my journey with you.

Xoxo, Roshawnda

‎ ISBN: 978-1955186315

Faye is just a normal teenage girl with normal teenage problems. That is, until things take a strange turn when voices and hallucinations arise, followed by being attacked by a giant wolf. Little does she know that Faye’s small-town life is going to become a matter of life or death in a secret war among the stars.

A collection of short stories about love, lust, and infidelity.

This book is primarily to inspire men. However, I believe anyone who reads it will benefit from it whether you're a male or female. I was inspired to write this book after volunteering as a teacher at a local prison located outside of Little Rock, AR. While volunteering as teacher, it gave me an opportunity to see the greatness in every man I taught, instead of focusing on what they did to put themselves in their current position. As I sat and watched men on television being shot in front of their children and wives, being shot in their backs, being shot up close range, being shot while their hands were in the air, being shot for walking through their own neighborhoods, being shot while their mate filmed it, it brought me to my knees. Not because I've given up, but because I needed to hear from God and get up and do something. After watching so many men of color being shot primarily by white police officers, I knew I had to write a book of encouragement in hope of helping those that have been affected as well as those who have lost hope. I am not saying that that men or people from other races don’t experience the same. I'm saying that statistics, television, and the internet proves that black men are treated totally different by most white police officers. I pray that this book not only helps those that have been affected in one way or another by a loss of a loved one, but I also pray that those that are the major contributors to the suffering and loss of so many black fathers, brothers, sons, uncles, nephews, and cousins will take the time to read this book as well.

Winters is a captivating and passionate Christian suspense novel about a powerful, spiritual family who is anointed and ordained by God Almighty. You will feel love, pain, heartaches, compassion, grace, mercy, suffering, and God’s spirit, all in one story. Find out why Winters is about the coldest season of the year in more ways than one. Come and live in the minds and hearts of Stella, Abe, Mr. Perkins, The Langley family, Hattie, Benjamin, and Minnie. So much more awaits you in this powerful Christian suspense novel. Both fiction and nonfiction, Winters will give you a chill like never before.

Unloaded challenges you to fully assess yourself with transparency. Unloading, Unpacking, Unlocking and Unveiling are key components to doing just that. Many of us go through life not fully understanding what we have in our possession that could contribute to our own success. Unloaded is designed to help you open up those attributes and abilities you already have to maximize and optimize results. Note this, you are power packed, full of value and nothing is more important than knowing YOU.
In this book the author builds avenues for the reader to reach and take hold of the treasures within them. Some things will be easy to recognize and others not as much, but you will leave empowered and equipped to produce, motivated to move and ready to Unload your full value.

The Goddess of water, Reina rules her country with an iron fist, enforcing her view of peace with great ruthlessness. She was not always so cruel, however, at one point, she ruled her people justly, with her friend Clara by her side. When a nation of humans decided to not heed to the authority of the gods, a war broke out. It was man vs god, a true David vs Goliath situation. In the heat of battle, Reina bore witness to her friend's last moments, sending her into a dark spiral. This twisted version of herself that we see today is what came of her after the war, a reclusive leader that rarely shows herself to her people. What do the threads of fate hold for Reina? Will she reopen her country and spare her people from their agony? Or will her nation stay in a state of limbo forever?

Our faith must be bigger than our barriers our faith must be greater than adversity if not we will only have ideas about success but not just any success but the success that we see for ourselves as individuals.

A major stroke interrupted her life at the tender age of 19, when life was just beginning for her. Find out how this stroke survivor fought against the attack on her own brain to defeat the odds within her physical, spiritual, emotional, and even her academic life.

All who hear tales of Madam MaRooska’s world-renowned yet exclusive specialty resort at Bellingfast Estates clamor to be granted attendance every year. One of the most compelling events in this two-week excursion is an elaborate masquerade ball in which guests can disappear into the personas of any historical figures they wish. However, Constance Stallings knows firsthand just how quickly this game of illusions can turn nefarious. Born into wealth and privilege but determined to make a name for herself as an author, she embarks on a second trip to Bellingfast with her family in the hopes of finishing her novel, The Angel Doll, and perhaps even uncovering the tragic mystery that looms over her last encounter with the seemingly cursed estate.

A chronicle of the Author's life in pictures, spanning from his army assignment in Korea to his time running for the office of mayor. Wardell Smith chronicles a time when he experienced serving under conditions reminiscent of the Jim Crow era.

Discover how the love of God, the warmth of family tradition, and the touch of Grandma Matilda’s lap all work together to save a darling new baby girl.

“PAYD Thoughts” is a collection of poems that focus on various subjects inspired by Patricia’s experiences shared with the hope of encouraging and inspiring readers in similar situations. "PAYD Thoughts" discusses race relations, love towards God, unhealthy relationships, and depression.

We live in a world where, although we share the world with different people and ethnicities, we live with hate, malice, envy, and strife toward one another. “A Nation Divided by Racism” addresses these matters within an open dialogue.

Eden isn't a complicated girl, but she's been hurt by people that should have been more apt to protect her. She's struggling with who she is and what her purpose is, but who isn't? Eden's life is suddenly turned upside down when her Aunt Liza, the staple matriarch keeping the family together is dying and Eden has no idea how to come to grips with the past that threatens her future. Will Eden understand her purpose before her aunts passing, or will time run out for the both of them? Laugh, cry, and fight alongside Eden in this touching and riveting story of pain, loss, and love and learn to find God's grace in the midst of it all.

Being a front line warrior is not easy at times! There is a price to pay with your life and it takes much sacrifice and commitment to the purpose and plans of God. Watching is an assignment that will cost you something, but with obedience comes blessings, miracles and spiritual assistance from heaven!

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ISBN: 978-1944486679

Thin Blue, Love You" is a short story of the divine love shared between a child and her best friend, her father, the police officer! Her father works hard as the hero of the city, protecting the innocent from danger. The girl sees him as a loving superhero. Through her eyes, she hopes that the world will see what she sees in her police daddy and understand that not all officers are bad people.

Just Like the Stars expresses a mother's love to her baby boy.

On an unexpected journey, she depicts how he resembles the beauty of the stars and shares their qualities. As massive as the universe is, she instills in him equal greatness.

A single pastor moves to a segregated town to lead a church deeply rooted in sin. Without knowledge of the sin, he begins to casually date the church clerk. While attempting to bring both sides of the town together, he meets a single mother filled with anger, betrayal, hurt and secrets; and finds himself losing sight of God’s direction for him. A life-threatening storm destroys the church and the town, but opens his heart and leads him to the true woman of God.

ISBN: 978-1955186285

Elections in the United States of America can be considered one of the most important elections of the present era which has many direct and indirect effects on the political, economic and even social issues of the world. This book examines the history of U.S. elections in 50 states and the District of Columbia, where Washington, D.C. is located since independence up to the present. In this book, in addition to general information about all 50 states, you will read in detail about the history of elections at the federal level, such as the number of representatives, senators, governors, parties, winners of presidential elections and the course of elections from the beginning to the present.

"Girl, Get Up" Is a daily meditation/motivation journal. It is to help women of all ages to plan, heal, be successful and to create purpose for their lives. It is to bring forth self motivation within themselves through faith.

The autobiography provides an account of the life of Dr. Lashun King Massey, P.E. It outlines the challenges that she faced growing up as a child in rural Arkansas. Although Dr. Massey was born in a socioeconomically depressed area in Arkansas, she managed to defy the odds and pursue a career in engineering. This book helps shed on light Dr. Massey’s childhood and uncover the challenges that she faced in pursuing a career in engineering.

"The Eve of Conception: Selections of Transition" is a collaboration of poems to enlighten and inspire those readers and all people who have encountered obstacles and adversities in their journey through this life.

A selection of poems

DIVAS Unchained is the powerful chain-breaking reality of the many unfortunate strongholds our women and girls face and of one woman whose painful past almost killed her, until the voice of the Lord guided her into reversing Satan’s plan. Dr. Nioka uses her divine gift to help women and girls break free from destructive life cycles and prosper in all areas of life. Discover what has been holding you back and take a journey as you see yourself within each turning page. Satan has lied to you. It’s time to expose his lies. It’s time to break free!

Little Joey loves living by the ocean and dreams of having a pet fish. One day, he gets an old goldfish bowl, catches a tiny fish out of the ocean, and takes it home. It doesn’t take long for Joey to realize there is a problem when the fish starts growing and growing and growing! Joey soon discovers that sometimes you should leave things the way God intended.

After suffering abuse at the hands of her own Pastor, a brave woman shares her story of sexual abuse, loss of identity, depression, shame, and pain to give others a voice and to show God’s power to heal and redeem.

“Revealing the Secrets of My Hurt” is a life story of a young girl tormented by an abusive family. Young Cindy rewrites her experiences with a mother introduced to drugs, sexual abuse from her father, and death. Cindy reveals how strong God can make anyone in the midst of Satan’s schemes. Experience her journey in, “Revealing the Secrets of My Hurt.”

J.Kenkade Publishing-Just Breathe

“Just Breathe” is the true story of a small-town girl born in the Delta. The youngest girl of five children, Trena Ford’s life was changed radically when her family relocated to follow an evangelical church ministry. Throughout her childhood and into her mature years, she had a special bond with her father that granted her opportunities to experience triumphs as well as heartbreaks. She tells the story of how a cancer diagnosis, devastation, and death uncovered an unshakeable seed of faith buried deep within her soul. Through pain and several medical procedures, she was given a formula that birthed new life into her desire to overcome cancer, live on purpose, and fulfill God’s plan for what He created her to be.

“Magic Land” is a tale of a group of kids who unlock a power unlike any other! Meet Keyatis, Justice, Jocelyn, and Keshaun, four great friends. One day, a magical clown visits their little town of York and gives young Justice the power of magic to grant her ever wish! After accidently wishing that all of her friends would receive this gift, things become fascinating when everyone’s wishes begin to come true! Join the fanciful four in their adventure through Magic Land.

book publishing, national publisher, fiction publisher, children's book publisher

This book is a special read that shows the confidence as a child grows into a beautiful creation. It’s important for parents to instill greatness within their children. Understanding that love and supporting a child as they grow and figure out life for themselves. They will began to view themselves as what parents tell them they are, so being a positive role model is important.Reading is a bonding experience for children and parents. Reading should be an enjoyable moment for children as they develop a lifelong skill. Reading to your child has proven to be a way children improve and develop social skills.

Hood Chick Delivered describes a woman’s troubled past as she is introduced to stripping and violence. After a friend gets shot and put into a coma for a few months, Layna cries out unto God, who tells her to commit to a life of Christ so that her friend may be saved. This novel describes a life that falls into submission with God, after a life of defiance with the devil.

J. Kenkade Publishing-Marriage By the Book.jpg

Built on a foundation of timeless spiritual wisdom and Bible-based principles, you’ll join Pastor Thomas Gray as he reveals a collection of profound advice and strategies to help you cultivate a stronger relationship with your partner. Inside, you’ll find simple yet life-changing advice covering communication, conflict management, and how to arm yourselves with the essential knowledge you need to celebrate your bond and honor the covenant you made with both your partner and God.

Here’s just a little of what you’ll discover inside:

Redefining Marriage and What It Truly Means

Exploring The Key Principles and Ideas Behind Marriage as It Was First Intended

Understanding God’s Model Family (and How You Can Live Up To It)

Powerful Ways To Manage Marital Crisis and Create a Happier Future For Yourselves and Your Children

And Much More…

Designed to be inspirational, actionable, and deeply moving, Marriage by the Bookdispels the mysteries and unmasks the challenges surrounding marriage, providing you with the Word of God to help you embrace a thriving future together.

J.Kenkade Publishing -The Weight of a Godly Woman

In this life, there are certain burdens a godly woman will inevitably face. Indigo Manning has seen firsthand how real those burdens can be, but her testimony is that there is joy to be found in serving our Creator because He does not intend for us to shoulder those burdens on our own. When we cast our cares upon Him and ground ourselves in the purpose He has instilled in all of us, we are able to flourish as mothers, wives, sisters, and friends. Perhaps more important than all of those relationships, however, is a woman’s relationship with herself. Though trials may come, if we all do the work of self-reflection and personal stewardship, we can maintain identities rooted in Christ and allow the Holy Spirit to work through us.

ISBN: 978-1955186025

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JOURNEY TO FINANCIAL LITERACY AND FREEDOM gives you the knowledge to approach your financial planning with care, mindset, and competency. This book outlines personal financial planning, personal budgeting, how to invest, rewards point-based programs, credit score, starting a business, the role of debt and equity in starting a business, small business administration loan programs, microloan lenders, things to know about debt, real estate, retirement hacks, 401(k), mutual funds, treasury securities, exchange traded fund, and stock trading basics. This book will help you uncover your financial challenges in your day-to-day living and facilitate your journey to become financially literate and free from debt-ridden lifestyle.

ISBN: 978-1944486747

An overview of great African American Men and how they have fared as leaders from the brutality of slavery to where we are today after the election of the first African American President of the United States of America. The author focuses on leaders in areas such as the educational field, the religious sector, corporate America, the United States military, and in the United States government. Very little time is spent on the achievements of African American men. Therefore, the author believes that our sons and daughters need a short, comprehensible walk through the past that may be shared with peers of all races so that they will know what it took to get us to the here and now.

ISBN: 978-1955186278

This book is not just a book but is a book containing a key that if obtained through wisdom and understanding and by applying and believing in oneself to the utmost that one can believe, one can use this key to open doors that are not electronically monitored. This key is the most powerful weapon one can possess. This key is our mind. The author believes that our faith must be bigger than adversity. If not, then how can we overcome it? The author believes that life will teach us two things: strength and weakness.

Throughout life, we’re always confronted with difficulty, but the deftness is learning how to name it, include it, and elevate from it. Studying the story of Judas, I realized it was at the proper time when Jesus rushed Judas away, the betrayal. Though He had the inside scoop on Judas, He didn’t dismiss him to be rude, exclude him from the twelve, was frustrated, angry, or done with him. Jesus gave Judas the same anointing to heal the sick and to go out and teach. Judas watched Jesus preach, teach, and perform first-hand miracles even though Jesus knew the outcome of their relationship. No one is exempt from what in this book I will name as a Judas. Jesus wasn’t the only One with a Judas. Moses had Pharaoh, David had Saul, Samson had Delilah, Naomi had grief and famine, Esther had Hamon, and the Woman with the issue of blood were all Judases. Know your Judas, an inspirational testament of the author is birthed from life encounters and learning how to overcome them. In this book, while reading the pages, it is important to be able to decipher your Judas, so your God given destiny is fulfilled and your purpose is no longer prolonged.

One woman’s story of abuse, tragedy, and overcoming adversity to find herself and her voice. M.A. Howard is truly a survivor!


This is a therapeutic journal with writing prompts and scripture to help anyone process their emotions and experience after having an abortion.

Extract-Acation is a children to young adult’s book that takes genocides that happened throughout human history and formulates it in a way that children can comprehend it. Djehuti the leader of a baboon clan gets a call from the Earths protector Mama’at. She informs him to extract children from their vacation on the African Safari to help him solve crimes against the animal kingdom.

Days of Time is based on the life experiences of others through interacting with people from various backgrounds.

J.Kenkade Publishing-The Birth of the Promiscuous Girl

Told through a collection of diary entries, April Smith’s life story centers on being given a label at a young age that followed her throughout her adolescence. A single word– “promiscuous”– shaped the way she viewed herself and her actions for a time. Ultimately, she persevered in the face of judgment and neglect at home, bullying and rejection at school, and a number of other curveballs that life decided to throw her way. She reclaimed her sense of self and found hope and a future against all odds, and her desire is that readers will be inspired and empowered by the knowledge that they can do the same.

Having seen death and having experienced multiple near-death occurrences himself, the author sets out to admonish and encourage others about a life that Christ gives that no street life can provide. After constantly watching so many young people and adults lose their lives to the streets and giving up on Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit inspired the author to write this book to encourage others that there is hope in Jesus. From the streets to the pulpit, Izah helps others understand that the same God that helped him out of his lost situation is that same God that loves them as well.

A study on the supernatural realm of Dreams, how God speaks to us in our sleep, and what scripture has to say on this matter.

Genesis 1:26 (KJV) “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.”
We must understand that we are here on the earth to rule. Not rule over people but we are here to manage the earth and its problems. God has placed in us solutions. There is a problem on this earth that you are meant to solve once you discover that problem. Then, God wants to raise you up, and equip you to be His problem solver. Come on this journey with me of discovery and deeper meaning and fulfillment in life.

Normally, I wouldn't dedicate things to anyone but here's one for the world. What we normally wouldn't want to write or mostly talk about. The healings of our minds and what we've been through in our lives. This is what makes us who we are and who we are afraid to become. This book demonstrates what we hold on to and should let go of. Taking full action over the things we will not do what scares us from it. It's dedicated to hope that somebody understands how the mind works and how to deal with our own sufferings which releases you mentally and physically.

This book was written for Christian men and women to help them find their God-given spouse. This book will teach Christian Believers how to wait on God for their soul mate. I believe that many Believers find it hard to wait on God for true love. So, throughout the book, the Holy Spirit teaches us how to remain faithful unto Him until they come. Some Christians may struggle with "Finding the One''. Once you begin to read and study this book, God will begin to reveal to you who your spouse may be. After He shows you, begin to pray and ask Him to keep you until they come. Know that with God, all things are possible. He will provide everything that you may lack or need as you wait. Lastly, the vision for this book is to inspire, empower, and enlighten saved Singles across the globe as they wait for their Mr. or Mrs. Right!

The Family Curse: Two cousins bound by a family curse are on a collision course that will ultimately lead to drugs, greed, murder, and pride. Jake, head of the Johnson crime family and Shannon Johnson were bound by blood and loyalty as far back as they could remember. Jake is well known as ‘Mr. Untouchable’ to those on the street.
One day as Jacinta, Jake's wife takes their son, Little Jake to school they are shot. Little Jake is left clinging to life. Jake believes that his rival, 'Tone' is the culprit and in retaliation Jake sends his right-hand man and childhood friend, Mike to kidnap Tone's wife, JaRonda. Revenge is eminent and all his plans are in place. Jake is visited at the hospital by an old family friend, Bishop Walker. Bishop Walker warns Jake to turn the situation over to the Lord. Bishop ministers to Jake and tries to get him to see that if there is any hope for his son, he must let go and let God. This is the only way for the family curse to be broken.
Later Jake is given the news that Tone isn't the shooter but that it is someone in his inner circle. After receiving that devastating news, Jake loses it. Fueled with anger and pride, he makes up his mind that the double crosser must pay with his life, or will he have a change of heart to save his son and break the family curse?

“I Was the Sitter for My Husband’s Wife” is an engaging story about a single woman living far away from her family. Rebekah finds herself needing more fulfillment in her life as a nurse. She has been praying to God for her need until one day, He finally answers in the form of two strangers who aren’t really strangers at all.

J.Kenkade Publishing-Purposed on Purpose

On February 25, 2020, I titled my book, “Purposed on Purpose”.

“Now faith is the substance of things hope for, the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1).

Scripture does not say “yesterday’s” faith or “tomorrow’s” faith. It simply says “now” faith. Right now, immediately! With faith the size of a mustard seed, you can move mountains. God has given us the same power and authority to speak and see the manifestation thereof. What better time than now to start doing what God has called you to do? What are you waiting for?


must warn you: the purpose of this book is not to tell you what your Purpose is, but I want to encourage you to find your Purpose by seeking God, who is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all that we can ask or think. This book is for the person who has been broken and does not know how to put the pieces back together, the person who lost their way after hardships and past relationship failures.

This is for those who struggle with finding their identity and what it is that they should be doing. I want you to get to a point where you feel confident in knowing who you are. I want to encourage you to find your Purpose by seeking God. You have so much inside of you. You are amazing, and there is no limit on what God has for you. In these chapters, you will discover how I found my Purpose by pursuing God and how on this journey God turned my trials into testimonies that will save lives.

There is a Purpose for you that you may not understand right now. Whatever your Purpose may be, you will find it, and God will lead you. God purposed you to do the work in the Earth for His Kingdom through dreams and visions backed up with manifestations. God purposed you to be the inspiration that someone needs. He chose you to be the change in someone’s life.

You have a gift waiting to be revealed, and God will guide you, protect you, and deliver you as you walk into your Purpose so that you will be successful in life.

Constantly shunned and abandoned by her mother as a little girl and no knowledge of the identity of her father, I AM QUEEN is the story of one girl whose mother’s rejection was once too much to bear. Throughout her childhood and adult experiences, Tyneisha experienced multiple failed and abusive relationships. With the help of other family members and a relationship with God, Tyneisha discovered that she was royalty; and indeed, a queen. I AM QUEEN inspires those who have had abandonment issues from their parents to persevere in prayer and faith, and to always shine as a Queen.

Lord, Deliver Me delves into the experience of supernatural deliverance in its many forms. Author Carlos Turner explores the methods that the Lord employs to elicit a believer’s spiritual discernment and also provides guidance on how a believer can effectively navigate through the highs and lows of healing and freedom. Whether one’s hindrances are physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual, God’s intention is for us to harness the dominion He has instilled in us to overcome them.

The story of a young girl born with medical issues and throughout her childhood, suffered molestation, tried to commit suicide, was involved in an abusive relationship, and felt as if no one cared for her. This book will invite you into a story that is so heart-breaking, but it will also show you that through any obstacle that comes your way, God will see you through. It will show you that God can and will make your tests become your testimonies. Many see the glory, but I invite you into my world to experience my story behind my glory.

"The Girl Behind the Wall" retells the growing pains of a young woman. She has struggled psychologically from the sexual abuse of family members, pregnancy, mental abuse, and suicidal thoughts. One after another, the devil has tried to keep the growth of Elizabeth hindered. But God said, "No more!" After choosing to turn to God and faith, she has now recovered her life from behind the wall of turmoil the devil created for her.

A beautiful uncovering, a woman’s journey through relationships with men, women, God, herself, and her family. Ms. Reign’s journey of self-love, self-discovery, and God’s redemption will grip your heart and stir your spirit. She wants you to know, you are more than your phat! This is for the women that were asked to take pictures who refused and still felt they are not enough.

Yvette Diaz was violated and raped at the early age of nine by several family members. Feeling alone and unworthy as a teenager, she starts to look for love in all the wrong places. She realizes that she's not a problem, but a solution to a world that was dying from the exact same thing she had experienced as a child. About the Author:Yolanda Turner-Evans is no stranger to the public. Evans is a News Icon, Domestic Violence Survivor and Domestic Violence advocate. Her dynamic story of surviving a horrific journey of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault led her to become a community activist. In 2008, Evans and her husband founded Heavenly Help Inc., a Domestic Violence and Abuse Advocacy Organization. Her goal is to help victims all over the world live free from Domestic Violence, Sexual Abuse, and Incest. Her passion and goal run hand in hand: "TO SAVE LIVES." However, her biggest accomplishments are her found Faith in Christ and her family. You can read about Evans and her courageous story on the web.

Is it really possible to experience Heaven on Earth? Are there limits to what I can ask God for? How do I prompt God to move on my behalf? How do I obtain this peace and joy that the bible speaks about? How do I live this abundant life that God promised us? I pray, but why am I not seeing any results? If you’ve ever found yourself asking these questions, this devotional book will open your eyes to an entirely new level of prayer and meditation in a way that will personally bring heaven to you within your physical, emotional, and spiritual life. The author shares her personal encounter with God in which He revealed to her a Heavenly Account that is available to all of His children. Throughout the devotional, you will find divinely selected promises that are tailored to your specific needs. Discover the powerful process of making deposits and receiving withdrawals from your own personal Heavenly Account!

"Girl, Get Up" Is a daily meditation/motivation journal. It is to help women of all ages to plan, heal, be successful and to create purpose for their lives. It is to bring forth self motivation within themselves through faith.

Olivia loves potatoes! One day, she eats them all and runs out of potatoes. Olivia is surprised and excited when her mom tells her she’s going on a treasure hunt to find out where potatoes come from! Come join Olivia on the hunt to find buried treasure.

Type WON! is meant to be a children’s and family book. At the age of 9, the author’s son, Huck was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D). As a nurse, his wife was familiar with the signs and symptoms he displayed that warranted us to check his blood sugar. Getting the T1D diagnosis was new and shocking. Brandon and his wife were overwhelmed with literature and information about this drastic new change with our lives, but nothing that was specific for Huck. T1D is lifelong and every T1D person learns their diagnosis at different ages. This book is meant to help younger children and families feel at ease with their new diagnosis. It can be very scary to be a child who is fearful of shots to now getting three or more a day. This story is a rhyming and poem style book to appeal to children and families about their new life as T1D.

ISBN: 978-1-955186-24-7

During the Great Depression in Arkansas, a public health nurse discovers a self-trained midwife who has contracted tuberculosis. The law is that TB-infected patients must be isolated in the TB sanitorium but doing so would leave the woman’s three children and husband alone at home. In addition, the midwife herself is pregnant. The public health nurse is torn between doing what her physician supervisor requires and acting on her sympathy for the midwife. She also must determine the physician’s true motives for his vague romantic advances and the bizarre behavior of his sister. Throughout this tale, there are old secrets and new laws that unravel lives, creating heartache and opportunity simultaneously.

The days of the week go on a journey and invite you to come along! Let’s have fun and learn together on this adventure with Dee and Deacon, and all the days of the week!

ISBN: 978-1-955186-30-8

In this Modern-day era of self-entitlement, self-preferences, and lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God, it is difficult to pastor and lead people. In a recent survey taken in 2021, a whopping 45% of pastors stepped away from the pulpit or had quit the ministry altogether due to burnout or a lack of support. Are you on the verge of quitting ministry or dealing with unhealthy thoughts concerning your ministry? Well, this book may be just for you! Pastor Terrell’s goal is to help you to regain your focus, vision, and passion back so that you can move forward in leading effectively as you fulfill the calling God has ordained for you. It’s easy to criticize and crucify the pastor, but you will become fully aware that pastors hurt too, even in the midst of serving as God’s under shepherd.